How To Live Through Your Renovation

How To Live Through Your Renovation can be an exciting and rewarding experience, but it also comes with its fair share of stress and disruption to your daily life. Ideally, the best scenario would be to live in temporary accommodation until the renovation process is completed. However, there are ways to navigate the challenges and make the experience more manageable.

Unfortunately, it may not be feasible always. 

There might be a situation where you are living on the site while remodelling your home. Living through a renovation can be challenging. But it is still doable if you plan it ahead. 

In this article, we share a few planning and preparation tips that would help in minimizing the disruptions while you live through your renovation.

How To Live Through Your Renovation: Set realistic expectations

How To Live Through Your Renovation
Image credit – Pexels

Have a straightforward discussion with your contractor before starting the project. Having clear information about the timeline, work schedule, and expected disruptions to your daily life is vital. 

At the same time, be prepared to handle any unexpected delays or modifications to the original plan. 

You should be flexible and willing to alter your daily schedules according to the project.

How To Live Through Your Renovation: Set up temporary facilities 

How To Live Through Your Renovation
Image Credit – Yan Krukau/ Pexels

Planning how you would live through the renovation helps reduce stress and discomfort. Depending on your family’s needs, you might set up a temporary kitchen or bathroom. 

In case you are renovating the kitchen, you can use the dining area or garage as a temporary kitchen. Or even arrange for pre-cooked meals to be delivered. 

If you are redoing a bathroom, ensure the family members have access to a clean bathroom at all times. 

Setting up designated spaces for relaxing, and storing documents, valuables, clothes, etc would help in streamlining the activities and minimize anxiety. If possible, keep one room clutter-free. 

You can even ask your contractor to assign a temporary utility area based on your requirements.

Stay organized

How To Live Through Your Renovation
Image Credit – Pixabay

Keep track of your renovation schedule, materials, and invoices in a binder or spreadsheet. This will help you stay on top of the project and ensure that everything is completed on time and within budget. Make sure to communicate regularly with your contractor to ensure that everyone is on the same page and that the project is progressing as planned.

Dust is Unavoidable

How To Live Through Your Renovation
Image Credit – Rene Asmussen / Pexels

Renovations can be messy and chaotic. Dust is part and parcel of renovation deals. You can’t expect your home to be spic and span or noiseless if you are redoing your home. So, it’s important to protect your belongings from dust, debris, and damage. 

Usually, the craftsmen cover the floor and furniture with plastic or drop clothes, tape the doors properly, seal off rooms that are not being worked on, and remove breakable items from the work area before starting the project. Dust barriers or air scrubbers can be helpful in minimizing the amount of dust floating in the air and settling on objects. This helps minimize the risk of damage or loss during the renovation.

But sometimes, dust control is not the contractor’s top priority. Hence, it is always best to discuss the same with your contractor and convey your requirements. 

You can establish a cleaning routine to keep your home clean and safe.

Higher noise levels

Image Credit – Anna Shvets/ Pexels

Renovation involves the use of various equipment and power tools, saws, hammers, etc. The higher decibel levels can be disruptive to your regular schedule. This is especially cumbersome if you work from home, have pets, kids, or senior citizens living in the home during the process of renovation. 

While you can’t have zero disruptions, you can certainly adopt a few ways to minimize the inconvenience. You can consider rescheduling your activities around the schedule. Kids and senior citizens are more sensitive to noise disruptions. You might make some alternate arrangements for them to be away from home when loud activities are being undertaken.

Noise-cancelling headphones or earplugs are a good way to block out the noise.

Separate entry and exit points 

Image Credit – Mikael Blomkvist/ Pexels

If possible, assign a designated entrance and exit for the contractors and workers. By doing this, you can ensure all material is kept out of residents’ way and the workers are not disrupted by your frequent intervention. 

This also ensures higher safety and lower incidents of accidents.

Attitude matters

Image Credit – Anete Lusina/ Pexels

Renovations are tiring and stressful. It can drain you physically and emotionally. There is no denying this fact. A positive attitude would help you sail through the process without getting burnt. 

It is important to practice self-care. Take time to unwind. Engage in activities that help you relax. Taking frequent breaks would help you stay focussed. 

Remember to focus on the end result. Remember that the temporary inconveniences and disruptions will be worth it in the end.

Consider the weather

Image credit – Laurie Shaw/ Pexels

It is more practical and sensible to undertake any home renovation in warmer weather. Exposing the residents to the weather elements makes them more vulnerable to the changes. And dealing with renovation while attending to a sick family member is certainly not a task anyone would enjoy!

While renovating while living on the premises is no mean task. It makes the process slower and more cumbersome. But no one can deny the many joys it comes with.
Image credit – Blue Bird/ Pexels

Industrial styles are preferred by those who have a penchant for raw and unfinished touches. There are certain features unique to the style. High ceiling, use of old timber and metal fixtures in interior décor. A neutral colour scheme works best in this style. 

  • You are more familiar with every inch of your living space. 
  • You will appreciate every bit of effort and sacrifice that has gone into transforming your home. 
  • Every milestone, however big or small, will bring joy and demand to be celebrated.
  • You will be able to track the progress from close quarters and make quicker decisions. 
  • You are available to handle the contractor’s queries. 
  • And the biggest of all. You will save money. 

We hope these tips would help you if you are planning to live through your renovation project. 

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